Alcohol Recovery

Although alcohol is considered a legal substance, it is the primary drug of choice in our society because of its wide spread availability.

Nearly 10% of adults in the UK abuse alcohol and 3 out of every 10 adults live in a home that has some way been negatively affected by the use of alcohol. Alcoholic drinks account for 11% of the UK population’s daily intake of added sugar.

Alcoholism is the most serious form of problem drinking and describes a strong, often uncontrollable desire to drink; alcoholics will often place drinking above all other obligations including work and family. The rehabilitation for alcohol could be needed.

Signs and symptoms of alcoholism include appearing intoxicated more regularly, needing to drink more in order to achieve the same effects , an inability to say no to alcohol , becoming secretive or dishonest ,tired, unwell or irritable, anxiety, insomnia, depression, tremors, suffering with withdrawal symptoms : sweating, shaking and nausea. If you recognise these symptoms or can identify with the signs rehabilitation for alcohol maybe needed.

Physically alcohol addiction can also lead to liver damage, high blood pressure, inflammation of the digestive system, impotence and malnutrition. It can also increase the risk of cancer of the larynx, liver, oesophagus and colon. Users can also experience loss of balance, numbness of hands and feet.

Alcohol abuse also causes reduced cognitive ability, although alcohol is initially used as a stimulant, alcohol can depress the activity of the control centre of the brain. The brains chemistry can be disrupted so that the persons cognitive abilities are impaired, resulting in loss of judgement, unpredictable or erratic behaviour slower reaction time. Alcohol can also cause blackouts these are called Anterograde amnesia – it is the inability to recall recent events.

There are varying degrees of alcohol dependence, you could becoming dependant on alcohol if you find it very difficult to enjoy yourself or relax without having a drink, if you feel the “need” to share a bottle of wine with a friend or partner most nights of the week or always have to go for a few pints after work, you’re likely to be drinking at a level that could seriously affect your long term health.

Anxiety, depression and suicidal feelings can all develop when you are alcohol dependent. Regular, heavy drinking interferes with neuro transmitters in our brains that are needed for good mental health. Rehabilitation for alcohol may be required.

Alcoholism is usually predicted by a pattern of drinking in excess to the point of intoxication. Compulsive drinking on a regular basis eventually creates a chemical dependency, causing the body to crave alcohol. The individual then becomes unable to control the desire or need to drink despite the consequences.

Detoxification is the process of removing toxins, poisons or other impurities. With alcohol, detox refers to the process through which a person rids their body of alcohol. This process should always occur in a safe environment such as an alcohol rehabilitation centre where qualified professionals can continuously monitor the comfort and safety and continued health of the patient.

Alcohol recovery should provide an individual with the opportunity to free themselves from their addiction. By combining specialised programs with dedicated professional staff an alcoholic rehabilitation centre can provide all the treatment and support needed to rehabilitate an individual.

If after reading all this information you are concerned for yourself, a friend or family member please contact your GP or local rehabilitation for alcohol centre, there will be qualified health professionals to help and guide you into long term recovery.
